Monday, November 16, 2009

Horizon Non-Profit Collective


3.6 stars/ out of 5.0 stars

First off, this place is really hard to find, I swear it took me atleast 10mins before I even found the entrance. There was one guy running the place by himself, desk and B.T... After a brief wait, I was verified and led into their nug room. There was a huge window that replaced the wall and offered a gorgeous view of LJ Cove, nice touch! Immediately I noticed they had a particular strain that was as low as $20 an eighth..a sorry low grade option. I would rather see a decent $40/45 choice, not something that was grown wrong and sold at a phenomenal discount. When I asked to see the top shelf, I was shown a strain I've never heard of..M.I.L.F. ($60cap) which actually looked pretty bomb and had a nice fruity smell to it. I also picked up a $10 tincture, that I have yet to test, but will review when I do. The B.T./F.D also kicked me down with a free gram of some other stuff called Thai Haze since it was my first time, but it smelled kinda moldy to me. Overall this club is real convenient considering I work right down the street, but just doesn't offer the type of meds I'm after.

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