Monday, November 16, 2009

Hillcrest Compassion Care of San Diego

(619) 395-6349

3.2 stars / out of 5.0 stars

Just so happen to stumble into this place because the Medical Cup just so happen to be held in the same building. I really liked the look of this place..a very spacious waiting area which looked similar to an office, complete with desk and what looked like a business man. I sat down with him to be verified and signed 3 or 4 papers. For some reason I was felling a bit interrogated..he was asking me questions like "where did you grow up?" and "what school you go to?"..IDK I just though he was being over-precautious and grilling me thinking I was an undercover or something. weird vibe. Once inside the bud room I was kinda disappointed to see only 6 strains "behind the glass", so I had to ask to see something, which I don't like. I didn't wanna be a dick and leave without making a donation so I just got a gram$20 of the best of the 6 and they kicked me down with a free edible. The strain I went with for some reason had a sacred herb sticker on it..? and I'm possitive I didn't get that, and now I don't remember what I got to begin with. Anyways the erb I got from there was not TOP SHELF..try lowering the gram to 16..17

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