Monday, November 16, 2009

Green Earth Herbal Collective (GEHC) - Pacific Beach

(858) 270-4342

4.6 stars / out of 5.0 stars

Born and raised in Pacific Beach, I feel it's my duty to check out every new spot that opens up in our little western community. First off I should explain the 4star rating under convenience. GEHC is located on the main strip: GARNET AVE. it's between rare and impossible to find a spot during peak hours. Once inside you find yourself amongst table displays showcasing everything from organic beauty products to organic clothing. There they also have a couple little cozy chairs to chill out while you wait to be verified. It went fairly quickly for me because they didn't appear to be that busy at the time, that and because I spent the wait getting acquainted with the shop owner, Theresa, who by the way was super nice and made me feel right at home. Before I knew it I was in the back room where I was only required to date and sign a document to be thoroughly admitted. I noticed the budtendress was wearing a scrub, hospital type uniform..thought that was a nice touch. Got to check out the flowers they had with a huge, lit up, magnifying glass that inabled me to see exactly what I was getting. Soo many choices, but it was the Strawberry Cream the made my mouth water, I'm under it's spell at the moment and let's just say it's Fire! one hitter quitter worthy. $22 a gram was the price..kinda pricy, but they had some other bomb strains that were as low as $16 a gram. The eighth cap was $65, also pretty steep, but the quality is there so it's worth it. They had some very decent Brainwreck for $310 a zip...very nice, I've seen a hella of a lot worse for $20-$30 more. Overall this place is unique from any other spot I've seen and is worth a visit, put it on your to-do-list.

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