Saturday, January 16, 2010

California Best Meds

619 582-4035

originally reviewed 01/15/2010

4.0 stars / out of 5.0 stars

I live in Pacific Beach so CBM is a bit of a journey for me. Lucky for me they have a sister club in my neighborhood called San Diego Organic Wellness Association..they both carry some of the same strains, but SDOWC doesn't have the strain I was looking for on this occasion. So I made the trek to Californias Best Meds.

Place was easy to find..close to the 8 freeway, near College. I walked in and was greeted by a security guard and a friendly lady behind the glass. The waiting room was pretty normal..couches, flat screen..didn't see any magazines to read though. It really didn't matter cause verification was a breeze and I suffered virtually no wait. Once inside the nug room I was greeted by Will, one of their knowledgeable and friendly BT's. He was very attentive and made me feel right at home, I felt like he was someone I could trust and ended up showing me exactly what I was looking for. Three words: DYNAMITE MASTER BUBBA. This batch of goodness is sooo appealing to the eye..I mean it was visually stunning. The look, the texture, the odor, the heartiness of this flower is over the top. Now, the donation price is equally stunning, but not in a good way. They wanted $70 for an eighth. Normally I would never spend more than $60, BUT since I had a coupon out of the Reader, I was able to get a $10 discount, in fact Will gave me the eighth for $55..NICE!

As a first time gift I was given a free glass pipe which I then traded for a sick shirt after he saw me jocking it..VERY NICE! Also, because my visit landed on a Thursday I received two free edibles (chocolate chip cookies)..LUCKY ME! Couldn't wait to get home and put the flame to some dynamite. I got home, cleaned my new bong and let her rip....and I'm sorry to inform that Taste did not make it to the party. I really felt the strain lacked in flavor, aroma, and pungency, but just on taste though, the flower stinks to high hell before it's burned. The stone left me with fuzzy vision, bright lights glowed a little brighter after a bowl of the Bubba.

Overall, I am very pleased with the compassion this club offers and would love to come back and try some of their other strains. I don't feel one strain can define a Coop, Dispensary, or Collective and would like to give them another shot. The Master Bubba is a beautiful flower that was grown with love and care, I just value taste way too much and believe that a perfect flower is not complete without it's flavor.

Don't forget your coupon!

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