Sunday, May 9, 2010

Fresh Selection Cooperative


originally reviewed 04/13/2010

4.6 stars / out of 5.0 stars

I was having dinner down the street and realized I didn't bring an after dinner I felt a trip to FSC was in order. As soon as I walked in, Skee spotted me and let me right into the bud room. The place is looking better and better every time I stop by. I was only on the hunt for a gram, but I wanted to make sure I got the Best gram. After going over the entire fresh selection, it was the True OG ($20/$55) that stood out to me the most. Nice frosty decent sized nuggs and a fresh earthy OG aroma to boot. I didn't really see anything else too amazing besides the OG so that's what I rolled with. Skee was real chill about letting me peep every strain they had and as always, is more than generous when it comes to weighing my meds. After leaving, I went on a little stroll to sample the True and True it was. The taste was full bodied and held its earthy and citrusy flavor from inhale to exhale. It wasn't too expandable in my lungs, but it did have a delayed choke to it. The high hit me first in my face, around the eyes and temples, then worked its way into a nice warm body high that was felt mostly in my arms and shoulders. It actually made me very hungry again and I was tempted to pick up another burger! If you're in the area and looking for some inexpensive and dank OG to stimulate your appetite, then look no further than the True OG at Fresh Selection.

1 comment:

  1. oh Mr Klownacide, exactly what medical condition are you treating ? People who abuse Prop215 are the ones who cause raids.
