Wednesday, March 24, 2010

La Jolla Medicinal Cooperative


originally reviewed 03/20/2010

4.4 stars / out of 5.0 stars

Finally, another club in the Downtown La Jolla area. It's very convenient for me considering its proximity to where I work. I feel a lot better knowing there are now options close by when I'm in need of meds. They're located on the corner of Pearl and Eads, on the second floor of the same complex Dick's Liquor is in. Once you enter the complex, they're fairly easy to find due to the big sign they have on their door. Parking is not that great so you might have to walk a bit.

The first thing that came to mind once inside the coop was how great the place looked. The waiting room was very clean and well organized with an overall cozy feel to it. The room itself is rather large and equipped with a flat screen, 3 comfy lounge couches, table with reading material, and some beach inspired art adorning the walls. When it came time to be verified, I did encounter some issues. Apparently the guy working the front couldn't get a hold of anyone to confirm my patient status?? He said my Doctor's office was having problems with their system?? Long story short, I ended up waiting a good 15-20 minutes before I got to see any flowers. I don't really know the reason behind the delay so I can't really hold it against anyone.

Instead of being told to enter through a door to a nug room, one of BT's, Tom, actually came out and met me in the waiting room! I like that. After the initial introduction I was led back to the nug room where Tom gave me the low-down on all of their flowers, hash, greener side tinctures, sodas, edibles, and infused body products. They don't carry wax, PHO, or anything like that cause apparently it's against the law?? They have about 38 or so flower strains at the moment, divided into two separate glass cases. Donation prices range from $12/$35 to $25/$60, their cap. The first couple sample jars I opened blew me away. They were off the chain as far as WoW factor goes, hell maybe it's just me, but I felt many of their top shelf strains lacked in aroma and all shared a similar bouquet/grassy odor. Their OG and Master Bubba both had their correct scents, but were faint for the type of quality flower they appeared to be. Organic or hydro growing methods could be the reason for this. Well, I didn't let the smell deter me from trying the Master Bubba. It looked to good to pass up, even at $25/$60, I felt the need to try it. I kind of felt like a sucker getting the gram, but I had no way of knowing how good it really was and didn't want to get much if it wasn't. After a bowl I realized that the Bubba was indeed sleeping on its smelly end, but was still teaming with great flavor. It had a real nice Bubba after taste and left me stoned to the bone after just one snapper...1 hitter quitter worthy.

The OG X Nice Full Melt ($27.50/$55) is some amazing stuff. It's pliable, but not too pliable, similar to Laffy Taffy and a tad sticky to the touch. Its sweet, lung collapsing smoke, burns the throat gently on exhale and produces a long lasting euphoric sensation that permeates throughout the mind and! That's a mouthful. I found smoking it by itself over a screen will give you the best results.

Anyways, the gram of Master Bubba and half gram of OG Nice Full Melt ran me $52.50!! Kind of pricey, I should have clipped that damn coupon out of the Reader. Tom did weigh it up right though, 1.4 on the flowers and .7 on the hash..nice!, and he handled the full melt with gloves too! I will call upon this club again in the future, but they should really rethink those $25 grams. I almost forgot, for being a first time member they kick you down with a free eighth. It ain't the nicest eighth, but rolled in a blunt, who can tell the difference right??!!. I think Tom said it was Hindu Skunk. It was dark, not easy on the eyes, smelled like Hog Moss, and weighed out to 3.3, but hey it was free. A blunt of it took me back to the days before chronic, when we used to blow that Pretendica.

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