Friday, March 19, 2010

Green Tree Solutions

858 278 2128

originally reviewed 03/12/2010

4.6 stars / out of 5.0 stars

Came in to purchase one of their new Cal Med bongs and ended up leaving with some Weezy too.

The main purpose of my visit was to get this beautiful piece I saw on my last trip and had been thinking about ever since. Needless to say I couldn't wait much more than a couple days before I came back. What's so unique about this bong is that you cant buy one in a smoke shop, it's exclusively for MMJ patients..hell it even comes with a certificate of authenticity!! It's annealed by master level scientific glassblowers and believe you me, it hits like a dream! Go get yourself a little piece of history buddy. They go for like $250, but since I sprang for an eighth of their Weezy OG $25/$65, Adam dropped the bong down to $200 and kicked me down fat on the flowers!! The Weezy OG Adam showed me was soo fire I had to get it, even at the high donation price of $65 an eighth, this is the type of bud that forces you to swallow your pride and fork out the extra dough for a piece of something special. The Weezy is so stuntin, I mean bling bling! The trichs are just sparkling all over these buds, super sticky, gooey, and very hard to break up. The smell reeks of OG, intoxicating earthy, lemon and garlic notes. The taste doesn't really hit till the exhale and it has a spicy, garlicy, and hashy flavor to it. The head change was immediate and came on very strong. It had me feeling like my eyes were swollen and seeing fuzzy. Very relaxing, almost immobilizing, I was stuck on stupid for quite some time and hitting the sheets soon after.

If you're looking for a new piece you have to check out these new Cal Med bongs at GTS and while you're at it, pick up some of that Weezy and have something amazing to break it in with.

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