Tuesday, August 3, 2010

San Diego Holistic Healing


originally reviewed 07/27/2010

5.0 stars / out of 5.0 stars

SDHHC has some really nice BHO in at the moment..$45/gram BHO! And you can even split your gram! I got a half Lemon Wax, half Purple Lady Wax gram the other day. Both are extremely potent and can cause intense sensations that range anywhere from gnarley head rushes to a complete mind and body shut-down. The Lemon Wax looks like what Slimer would leave behind and almost feels like it has the consistency of applesauce. It's not stringy at all and is easily scooped up like a spoon full of pudding! The taste is straight Lemony Snickits! It really doesn't get any tastier than this. The Lemon is crazy expansive and will cause your heart to race after a fat hit and hold in, maybe even some brain bubbles..lol. The Purple Lady has more of a waxy consistency to it and is super sticky, stringy and stretchy to the touch. Its color is a darker military green and appears to have a marble finish to it. Its taste is not as pronounced as the Lemon's, but you do get a nice faint purp flavor..at least I do out of a bell with a titanium skillet. The effect from the Purple Lady was definitely more of an indica high. It calmed me down substantially after experimenting with the Lemon. This would be your PM wax verses the Lemon being more of an sativa AM medication.

I'm a hound for concentrates, especially BHO aka Wax! Unfortunately due to the growing demand for high-quality trim and the skyrocketing prices, clubs are forced to raise their donation prices to a less than affordable rate. It's good to know "Some Shops" like SDHHC are still making it easy for their members to get what they need.

Ps..The last time I was in they didn't seem like they had much left, so I'd go soon if you wanna get in on the action.

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